Is Weather Desktop really free?

Yes. No ads, no in app purchases, no subscriptions. Just completely free software!

Can I leave Weather Desktop running in the background all the time?

Yes, that's the intended use case for WD. It uses virtually no system resources at all and once the initial wallpaper download completes it doesn't use much bandwidth. So yes, run it all the time!

I'm concerned for my privacy. What data does Weather Desktop send to the developer?

WD doesn't send any data to us. The only traffic between our servers and Weather Desktop is the initial wallpaper download.

WD does communicate with Internet weather services to find out the current weather conditions for your location though. But this happens over an encrypted connection so you don't need to worry about your privacy.

Can I add my own wallpapers?

Not yet. This is planned for a future update.

A certain wallpaper looks really ugly on my screen. What should I do?

Please contact us (don't forget to include a screen shot and what type of screen & resolution you use) and we'll fix the issue.

I have read the manual and still need help!

Don't panic! ;) We're here to help you out. Just drop us an email and describe what problems you have with Weather Desktop. We'll try our best to help you! (Please mention what Mac you use, which version of OS X is installed and what version of Weather Desktop you're running).