Suborbital Blog

Category: General

Great Teleprompter Training Videos

Recently we stumbled onto a great training series about working with teleprompters.

The good people over at did a really outstanding job.

Watch their video series here:

PS: They seem to be very competent and generally good people as Power Prompter is on their recommended software list 🙂

LCD Font Smoothing on macOS Mojave – and how to fix it

If you have an external non-Retina display attached to your Mac then you might have noticed fonts being “off” after your upgraded to macOS Mojave.

The reason behind this is that Apple changed how LCD font smoothing works. They essentially deprecated the “old” way of font smoothing which was optimized for “low dpi” displays (read: anything non-Retina) and use a new algorithm that’s simpler, more efficient and looks better on Retina displays.

While the new font smoothing looks (and works) great on retina displays it’s not so great looking on normal displays. Fonts appear too thick and not as fine as they did in High Sierra. They are also kinda hard to read. Not good.

But there’s a way to fix it:

Left: New Mojave font smoothing. Right: Font smoothing with the fix.Left: New Mojave font smoothing. Right: High Sierra Font smoothing.

It’s not a complete return to how fonts looked on High Sierra because that functionality has been removed. But it’s a good approximation and a great improvement over stock Mojave font rendering. (This applies only if you rock a low dpi display. If you have a hidpi display keep the new Mojave font rendering. It’s better on hidpi in every way!)

So, to get proper font smoothing back, open Terminal and type in the following:

defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO

Then simply re-start your Mac. (In theory it would be enough to just re-start applications but this won’t apply changes to all the apps. Mail will use the new old font smoothing while Safari won’t until you reboot). You can undo this change by simply replacing the NO with a YES.

If you’re interested in more about the topic, start here:

Power Prompter is a modern teleprompter application for the Mac. Specially designed for small teams and solo content creators.

Upcoming Changes

Dear customers, we hope you had a great holidays season and a wonderful new year.

In the short term future we’re going to implement some changes to our products.

Power Prompter
Power Prompter will be getting a UI overhaul. We’re working on modernizing the user interface. Nothing workflow changing – mostly cosmetics and little quality of life improvements. So no reason for anyone to worry.

Color Squid
Color Squid will become App Store only for the foreseeable future. Our licensing provider changed their API/system in a way that makes it mostly incompatible with Color Squid. So we’ll be distributing the app exclusively via Apple’s Mac App Store. Your existing licenses will continue to work and we plan to re-introduce a direct purchase version of Color Squid very soon.

If Color Squid stops working for you please let us know and we’ll send you an unlocked version:

Suborbital Reports
We’re making Suborbital Reports free. If you’re running a software business that distributes software via the Apple App Store (both Mac and iOS) you will find Suborbital Reports very useful. And very free of charge 😉

We’re doing this because it’s a highly niche software that didn’t have the commercial success we expected it to have. And because we’re using the software for our own business we’ve decided to make the app freeware. It will continue to get maintenance updates for as long as the App Store exists. But we will be adding only the features we personally need and customer support on this one will be very limited.

If you bought Suborbital Reports in the last 6 months and would like to have a refund just let us know:

Creating macOS X Screen Recordings on a Budget

If you’ve never tried to make a screen recording you’re probably lost about what software to use and where to start.

Luckily you don’t need to spend a dime to get started with screen casting. And it’s rather easy, too. Because macOS comes with all the tools you need on board.

Continue reading

macOS 10.12 Sierra has been released. All our apps are compatible.

Yesterday Apple released macOS 10.12 “Sierra” to the public. Though we were doing pretty extensive testing of our software on the beta we wanted to wait for the public release to confirm that all of our apps work perfectly fine with 10.12!

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