As you probably know Xcode 8 comes with a new Plugin-API. At the same time Apple decided to close up Xcode so older plugins won’t work anymore…

Which is a shame as the new plugin API is somewhat limited in what you can do in your plugin.

Here at Suborbital Softworks for example we couldn’t live without the Polychromatic plugin. Sadly with the new plugin system that functionality isn’t possible anymore.

But there’s a way to keep using your older plugins with Xcode 8. You just need to unsign Xcode and it will load the older plugins (provided they have been updated for Xcode 8).

Now you can do this manually or just use this tool here: – it’s a simple one liner that will fix everything plugin related. It’s also a god send if you need to update your plugin UUIDs. It will do this automatically!

Let’s hope Apple extends their official plugin API functionality by a lot so we can have actually useful official plugins!